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At FairTrade Caravans, we are out to Make a World of Difference.

We started in 2017 from the vision of our founder, Carol Fassino. Simply put, she wanted to motivate others to practice fair trade and make her son’s school fundraisers more impactful.

This pushed her to build a social enterprise that helps schools and nonprofits raise funds by selling fair trade products to their families and friends online. With FairTrade Caravans, everyone involved wins!

Fair trade artisans at workAt FairTrade Caravans, we’re deeply committed to educate, inspire and give back. And we do it by demonstrating how fair trade directly helps people around the world earn a sustainable living. We help schools and nonprofits raise money, individuals become better global citizens, artisans and farmers around the world earn a living wage, and children stay out of production plants and unsafe conditions AND in school.

You can’t escape the tedious fundraisers for schools and nonprofits, but you do them because they give back to your community. At FairTrade Caravans, we believe fundraisers can increase profits by selling ethical and sustainable products people want. Our fair trade goods are things people like — such as handcrafted gifts, home goods, accessories, and jewelry as well as coffee and chocolate — so your school or nonprofit brings in more money. We conduct our fundraisers online so you don’t have to waste time asking your family and neighbors to buy the same thing everyone else is selling. This combination makes FairTrade Caravans fundraisers more successful.

Our mission is fair trade. This allows artisans and farmers in growing countries to earn a living wage, achieve better work conditions, and promote sustainability. It also means no child labor, which keeps children in school. All our products are purchased from the producers and meet fair-trade standards. Our fundraisers don’t just benefit your organization, they directly improve the quality of life of people living in communities around the world.

Fundraisers are vital to your school or nonprofit to serve the communities around them. We make it easy for you to maximize profits by selling products online people want to buy. You choose the timeline for your campaign and we create your online event. Then, your community’s members share your customized link via email and social media. This way, family and friends can browse an online catalog and choose what they want. Your school or nonprofit takes home 25% of sales and, even more impactful, each sale helps an artisan or farmer create a better life in their community. We think that’s a win for everyone.

For us, fair trade is not just a way of life, but the best way of life. We want to pass this on. Join us in our mission to raise awareness of and support fair trade while you boost your local community.

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