Aztec Two-Step Decaf Coffee – Ground


Roast Level- Medium-Dark

Region- Mexico/ Peru

A delightful blend of light roasted Mexican Chiapas and dark roasted decaf Peruvian coffees. Smooth and nutty, with a bold finish.

Decaffeinated using the Natural Water Process– instead of using harsh chemicals to remove the caffeine from the coffee beans, our coffee is decaffeinated simply using water, in a gentle eco-friendly process called the Natural Water Process. The beans are soaked in hot water for a designated period of time, and the caffeine leaches out. Then the solution is passed through a carbon filter that catches the caffeine particles, but leaves the water, oils, and flavors to be reabsorbed into the beans. You are left with a 99.9% caffeine free bean, without sacrificing great taste or adding unneeded chemicals to the environment and your body!

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Dean Cycon founded in Dean’s Beans Organic Coffee Company in 1993 after working as an environmental and indigenous rights lawyer. He set out to prove that a for-profit business could create meaningful change through ethical business practices rooted in respect for the earth, the farmer, our co-workers and the consumer.

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